mercoledì, 3 luglio 2019

CEO di Guess scrive a Tim Cook “benvenuti nel mondo dell’orologeria”

Il CEO di Guess Cindy Livingston a sorpresa ha scritto una personale lettera a Tim Cook, congratulandosi con lui ed Apple per l’arrivo nel mondo degli orologi, grazie alla presentazione del nuovo Apple Watch. Anche la nota azienda di abbigliamento e gioielli intende presto debuttare in tale settore con un proprio smartwatch.


La Livingston nella sua lettera parla dei cambiamenti che l’industria orologiera ha attraversato nel corso dei decenni, quali l’introduzione di movimenti al quarzo, l’ascesa e la caduta degli orologi calcolatrice, digitali, analogici-digitali e molti molti marchi, piccoli e grandi” annunciando inoltre che l’azienda è in attesa del lancio del proprio smartwatch GUESS Powered by Martian.

Quest’ultima ha lanciato il suo primo device indossabile chiamato Passport nel corso del salone IFA di Berlino conclusosi ad inizio del mese di settembre, e il novo orologio Guess sfrutterà gran parte di quanto mostrato a Berlino da tale produttore. La lettera di Guess risulta essere più una forma pubblicitaria per far vedere che anche tale azienda avrà un suo smatwatch Android, piuttosto che un sentito benvenuto ad Apple nel settore, anche perchè Apple con il suo prodotto è una minaccia per tutti i produttori Android.

Vediamo di seguito il testo intero in inglese della lettera inviata al CEO apple Tim Cook:


Dear Mr. Cook:

I wanted to write to you and welcome you to the Watch Industry and also offer my personal thanks to you.

As one of the largest fashion watch brands in the world, we have been around for more than 30 years. In the early 80’s, there was really only SWATCH (the brand) and GUESS Watches. At that time, we had many critics who thought we were crazy. No one thought that anyone would want this new type of “novelty” timepiece. They believed that the only “real” alternatives were Swiss mechanicals or traditional quartz timepieces. Fortunately for us, consumers thought differently!

We are part of an old and proud industry. Every year we’ve experienced change in some way. Over these years, we have seen the introduction of quartz movements, the rise and fall of calculator watches, digitals, analogue-digitals and many many brands, both big and small. It seems that the test of time has shown that the wrist is an obvious place for both function and fashion.

Fast-forward to today and the world has changed. The proliferation of smartphones and the demand of consumers for round-the-clock connectivity have changed the way people access time. This has caused an understandable fear and challenge in our industry (even if no one likes to admit it).

We personally welcome this new challenge to remain relevant to our young, sexy and adventurous consumers who see as much importance in the device they carry and the messaging app they use, as the clothing and accessory brands they buy.

Over the past year, there has been dramatic speculation of the future of “wearables” and Apple’s entre into this segment. This week, you delivered! Just as we had in the early 80’s, there are naysayers and believers. I, for one, am a fan! Your innovation and attention to detail is spectacular.

In today’s connected world, consumers deserve the next level of combining fashion and function. We’ve always been much more than a watch. Now, we too are going to take that concept even further. As we look forward to the launch of our own connected timepiece for GUESS… “Powered by MARTIAN”, we’re happy to have another true brand innovator in our industry that confirms the wrist as the dominant place for self-expression.


Cindy Livingston
President & CEO

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About Andrea Zanoli

Amministratore e blogger su Meladevice, appassionato ormai da6 anni del mondo Apple ed anche del mondo mobile in generale. Sport e videogiochi sono le altre mie grosse passioni